Agent & Broker Associations
Council of Insurance Brokers of Greater NY (CIBGNY)
Thomas W. Faist, Esq - Lobbyist
Faist Government Affairs Group LLC
54 Willett St | Albany, NY 12210-1104
Phone: (518) 432-0599
Email: Tfaist@aol.com
Insurance Brokers Assoc of NY (IBANY)
136 Everett Rd | Albany, NY 12205
Phone: (212) 509-1592
Email: info@ibany.org
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of NY (IIABNY)
Richard Poppa, CAE, AAI - Chief Executive Officer
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of NY
5784 Widewaters Pkwy - 1st Floor | DeWitt, NY 13214
Phone: (800) 851-8853, ext 211
Email: dpoppa@iiabny.org
Michael Barrett -Lobbyist
Barrett Associates
95 Columbia St. | Albany, NY 12210
Phone: (518) 465-5340
Email: mbarrett@albanygov.com
National Assoc of Insurance & Financial Advisors - New York (NAIFA-NY)
Melissa K. McGrath - Executive Director
PO Box 392 | Fishkill, NY 12524
Phone: (845) 298-2561
Mark Yavornitzki, CAE - Lobbyist
GR Initiatives, LLC
125 State St Ste 3 | Albany, NY 12207-1686
Phone: (518) 426-8178
Email: markyav@aol.com
Professional Insurance Agents of New York (PIANY)
Kelly K. Norris, CAE- Executive Director
Professional Insurance Agents New York
PO Box 997 | Glenmont, NY 12077-0997
Phone: (518) 434-3111
Email: knorris@pia.org
Patrick Zlogar - Lobbyist
The Roffe Group PC
111 Washington Ave Fl 3 | Albany, NY 12210
Phone: (518) 432-7841
Email: patrick@roffegroup.com
Combined Agency/Brokerage & Company Associations
Chinese American Insurance Association (CAIA)
Benjamin Li - Assistant Vice President
Chinese American Insurance Association
115 Bowery, Fl 3 - c/o L3 Advertising Inc | New York, NY 10002
Phone: (212) 576-5733
Email: Benjamin.Li@newyorklife.com
Korean American Inurances & FInancial Professional Assoc (KAIFPA)
Chonghun Song
Korean American Insurance Association
16316 Northern Blvd - #201 | Flushing, NY 11358
Phone: (718) 353-3500
Email: songinsurance@gmail.com
Latin American Agents Association (LAAA)
Rafael Hurtado - Chief Executive Officer
Latin American Agents Association
PO Box 8712 | Northridge, CA 91327
Phone: (818) 585-4664
Email: rafael@latinagents.com
Latin American Assoc of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA)
National African American Insurance Assoc NY Tri-State Chapter
Melissa Pressley - President
National African American Insurance Assoc - NY Tri-State Chapter
Phone: (646) 334-9879
E-mail: Janice_holt2006@hotmail.com
Insurance Company Trade Associations
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
American Insurance Association (AIA)
(position currently vacant)
American Insurance Association
95 Columbia St. | Albany, NY 12210-2707
Phone: (518) 462-1695
Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY)
Life Insurance Council of NY
551 Fifth Avenue, 29th Floor • New York, NY 10176 • (212) 986-6181
111 Washington Avenue, Suite 300 • Albany, NY 12210 • (518) 436-8417
Thomas E. Workman - President & CEO
Phone: (212) 986-6181
Email: tworkman@licony.org
Diane Studo - Executive VP - Legislative Issues
Phone: (518) 436-8417
Email: dstuto@licony.org
Jana Lee Pruitt - Executive VP - Regulatory Issues
Phone: (212) 986-6181
Email: jlpruitt@licony.org
New York Health Plan Association (NYHPA)
Paul F. Macielak - President & CEO
New York Health Plan Association
90 State St. - Suite 825 | Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 462-2293
Email: pmacielak@nyhpa.org
New York Insurance Association (NYIA)
Ellen Melchionni - President
NY Insurance Association, Inc.
130 Washington Ave | Albany, NY 12210-2219
Phone: (518) 432-4227
Email: emelch@nyia.org
National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC)
Paul Tetrault, JD, CPCU - Northeast State Affairs Manager
National Assoc of Mutual Insurance Companies
234 Lothrop St | Beverly, MA 01915
Phone: (978) 969-1046
Email: ptetrault@namic.org
Property Casualty Insurers Assoc. of America (PCI)
Kristina Baldwin - Asst Vice President & Lobbyist
Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
90 S Swan St Ste 400 | Albany, NY 12210-2105
Phone: (518) 443-2220
Email: kristina.baldwin@pciaa.net
Other Insurance Industry Associations
American Association of Managing General Agents (AAMGA)
Bernd G. Heinze, Esq. - Executive Director
American Assoc of Managing General Agents
150 South Warner Road, Suite 156 | King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone: 610-225-2363
Email: bernie@aamga.org
Excess Lines Assoc of NY (ELANY)
Daniel F. Maher, Jr. - Executive Director
Excess Line Association of New York
1 Exchange Plz | 55 Broadway - 29th Floor | New York, NY 10006-3008
Phone: (646) 292-5555
Email: dmaher@elany.org
Insurance Information Institute (III)
Robert Hartwig, PhD, CPCU - President & Chief Economist
Insurance Information Institute
110 William St | New York, NY 10038-3908
Phone: (212) 346-5500
Email: bobh@iii.org
National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Organizations (NAPSLO)
Richard Bouhan - Executive Director
National Assoc of Surplus Lines Organizations
200 NE 54th St. Suite 200 | Kansas City, MO 64118
Phone: 816.741.3910
Fax: 816.741.5409
Email: dick@napslo.org
Steve Stephan - Director of Government Affairs
National Assoc of Surplus Lines Organizations
200 NE 54th St. Suite 200 | Kansas City, MO 64118
Phone: 816.741.3910
Fax: 816.741.5409
Email: steve@napslo.org
National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds
National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds, Inc.
300 North Meridian Street, Suite 1020 | Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317.464.8199
Fax: 317.464.8180
President & CEO
Phone: 317.464.8155
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
Judy Fitzgerald - Vice Pres. Government Affairs
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
1111 E Touhy Ave Ste 400 | Des Plaines, IL 60018-5804
Phone: (800) 447-6282
Email: jfitzgerald@nicb.org
Reinsurance Association of America
Marsha Cohen - Senior VP & Director of Education
Reinsurance Association of America
1445 New York Ave NW Fl 7 | Washington, DC 20005-2134
Phone: (202) 638-3690
Email: cohen@reinsurance.org
Regulatory & Legislative Organizations
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
NAIC Central Office
2301 McGee Street, Suite 800 | Kansas City, MO 64108-2662
Phone: (816) 842-3600
Fax: (816) 783-8175
National Conference of Insurance Legislators
Susan F. Nolan - Executive Director
National Conference of Insurance Legislators
385 Jordan Road | Troy, NY 12180
Phone: 518-687-0178
Fax: 518-687-0401
Email: info@ncoil.org